The 7-Days

Chakra Path

Light up your life with the colorful powers of the 7 chakras

An Online Video Course with Shai Tubali

The Seminar that turns our inner energy centers into a complete lifestyle to enrich each day.

The neverending to-do list, the copious responsibilities… do you feel like you’re always rushing to keep up? Does your heart wish for a pathway to help organize your mind and give order to your week?

Or perhaps you have tuned into your higher purpose, but still feel stuck in old patterns? Maybe you have learnt a little about the chakra system, but don’t know how to apply it to your own development.

In the modern world, how do you tune back into the natural cycles of your true nature? How do you awaken your inner energy centers to support physical wellbeing and maintain emotional balance, clarity of mind and even spiritual development?


Although it may seem like there are never enough hours in one day, the structure of the 7-day week actually offers you a wonderful opportunity. This structure aligns perfectly with the natural intelligence that already lies within you: the 7–chakra system.

According to Shai Tubali’s method, each day of the week ties in with the chakra energy centers within, so learning to connect the two provides strong roots from which you can flourish. In this Seminar, you will learn which day relates to which chakra and how to apply this knowledge to your routine.

For example, Monday, the day of the Root Chakra, strengthens your foundations. At the other end of the week, Sunday represents the Crown Chakra. This is the day of timelessness. Just as the sunset every evening is crucial for a vibrant sunrise every morning, so too is this day of rest for mankind. By connecting with this natural cycle, we enjoy essential rejuvenation.

Unlock the secret to your hidden potential.

Learning and applying this knowledge can create a cycle for you that will bring order, meaning, and depth to every day and every week. When you are set up successfully for a wonderful week, you can enjoy a meaningful and holistic life experience.

Awakening your chakras through the support you will receive in this Seminar will help you to tune into this natural cycle. Following this accessible and joyful path will turn the chakras into a tangible reality, where every day is lit up by the vibrant color of its corresponding chakra. Having your day infused by the spirit and teaching of an individual creates great focus and energy in an otherwise scattered or stressed mind.

Embark on this journey into your own energy centers, and unlock the secret to your hidden potential.

This seminar offers a taste of this method by providing:

  • A clear spiritual path, which is perfectly suited to modern life and also meets a deep need for an integrative path that embraces your entire being.
  • Practical recommendations for living according to the chakras, every day emphasizing and empowering a certain chakra – and as a result, one important aspect of your being. For example, specific meditations, insights, affirmations, visualizations, psychological processes, spiritual focus, supportive food and physical activity, including the ideal way to start and end the day.
  • Focus for your weekly schedule and advice on fitting events to the best suited moments of the week.
  • Radiance for your energetic centers. This path is like enkindling each of the chakras towards a full illumination of your being that culminates at the end of each week. As each week ends, you will feel that you have closed a circle of awakening within your body, mind and spirit, and are ready to start a new one.

By following this path you will see how you are building your being brick by brick, mentally and emotionally according to the chakra wisdom.

What participants of seminars with Shai Tubali say

“I found Shai’s teachings tremendously powerful and insightful intellectually, yet simultaneously they effected me spiritually, energetically, emotionally with integrated meditations that make the experience ‘real’, ‘known’. He teaches with heart and a pureness of intuition and intent that I have found wonderfully transformative.”

Lee C.

“Through the unconditional love that Shai always transmits in his seminars, through his pure presence, through the hope, the explanations, I was able to embark on the spiritual path. I understand the deep meaning of his being.

I am infinitely grateful. I have the feeling of having been saved. I feel like a caterpillar and Shai has given me the nourishment I needed to become a beautiful butterfly. My heart is open and I feel, see, hear the love everywhere. Through his words the path continues for me as well and through that I touch other people again and the world starts to change. I notice this in my immediate surroundings.”

Jeanett Schnoor

“The loving guidance from the level of the person through the transpersonal field towards the SELF touched me a lot. A helping hand – yet fully open. Clearly focused and still so free.”

Michael Lindemann

“The entirely different perspective from on our PURE BEING, free of Dogmas and rituals, free of have to, should, otherwise…. is so liberating and inspiring. To place ourselves in freedom like this, is pure love. Thank you so much!”


“I am very inspired by the presence of Shai and by his way of being. The love, clarity and the resting within oneself in a relaxed way. It is felt that Shai himself lives with an open heart.
Through him I learned that also experiences of pain are essential and that through them the heart can open up even more.
Thank you for your precious work.”


This seminar is for you if you are:

  • A chakra enthusiast hoping to make your passion for chakras into a real path but are unsure how.
  • A spiritual seeker looking for a modern, sensible and easy-to-follow spiritual path in Western society, or a person who feels that their path is not integrative enough and that they neglect certain aspects of their life.
  • Interested in enlightenment – this is a complete path to spiritual enlightenment, awakening all chakras each week.
  • Craving healing processes, both physical and emotional – this path can be very helpful for emotional balancing and physical wellbeing.
  • In need of organizing your life and your mind – by having the chakra path as a weekly context, you can fulfil many more of your wishes and plans.
  • Interested in shamanic rituals, natural cycles and sacred life.

In the seminar you will learn how to:

Experience every week as a full awakening of body, mind and spirit.

Tune into a larger context that gives every day uniqueness, meaning and purpose.

Make every week an exciting and colorful journey.

Pay attention to neglected areas of life and inject structure and fulfilment into your week.

Practice a rich selection of methods that will ensure the weekly schedule does not become repetitive or dull..

How to Participate

Start immediately after registration

You get access to all materials right away ​after your registration​. Additionally you will daily email over a period of 21 days to support you in your meditation practice.


Study at your own pace

The course can be studied as an intense weekend seminars, or in 4 weeks or in whatever pace you wish to study it.

The journey is all about you.

The journey is all about you. All lectures are created to activate and empower your solar plexus chakra.


Daily online lectures. Participate from wherever you are.

Exclusive Membership Area

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365 Days Full Access

Participate now and receive 12 months access to the video course and to all the materials for only 240 € 87 €.


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If you unsatisfied with the course content, we will refund you within 60 days after purchasing.

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About Shai Tubali

Shai Tubali is a leading authority in the field of self-development and self-empowerment. In his writings and teachings, he skillfully combines psychology, philosophy, Yogic traditions and Eastern thought and practices into powerful processes of inner transformation.

One of his most active methods of guidance are his numerous books, which have appeared internationally for the past two decades in five languages and have been published by major publishers. His most prominent writings have been awarded in the United States and in Israel, and others have become bestsellers, inspiring many thousands on their inner journeys of mental, emotional and spiritual transformation.

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