Discover the principles behind expansion that lead to a direct transformation of emotional needs, into a direct contact with your higher self and into an experience of true inner power.

What is the biggest misconception in dealing with emotional needs?

That we believe that others are responsible for fulfilling them!

Because we don’t know any other way, our brain unconsciously links fulfilling emotional experiences with people and situations on the outside. It considers these experiences to be the source of this emotional experience. This leads to constantly projecting emotional needs and expectations onto people and situations.

But this creates an extreme dependency. And whenever our environment does not behave exactly as we expect, frustration and negative emotions arise.

No one can really meet our emotional needs except ourselves. In fact, the place where we experience joy, love, excitement is within us. We experience the tingling in our belly, the love in our chest.

So we need a direct way, a technique that enables us to transform every form of emotion and lead it into its fulfilment: The Expansion Method.

Experiencing the liberating power of expanded states of consciousness for the first time is a gamechanger for many. But the true potential unfolds only when we learn to work transformatively from this expanded consciousness and release emotional patterns and needs. This is how frustration becomes joy and anger becomes true inner power.

This seminar is an invitation to transform any form of emotional expectations with the power of expanded states of consciousness and to come into an experience of true inner power.

Shai teaches here the core principles behind the expansion method, the different subtle fields of consciousness, how we navigate them and deep transformation can arise.


What participants of seminars with Shai Tubali say:

“I found Shai’s teachings tremendously powerful and insightful intellectually, yet simultaneously they effected me spiritually, energetically, emotionally with integrated meditations that make the experience ‘real’, ‘known’. He teaches with heart and a pureness of intuition and intent that I have found wonderfully transformative.”

Lee C.

Through the unconditional love that Shai always transmits in his seminars, through his pure presence, through the hope, the explanations, I was able to embark on the spiritual path. I understand the deep meaning of his being.
I am infinitely grateful. I have the feeling of having been saved. I feel like a caterpillar and Shai has given me the nourishment I needed to become a beautiful butterfly. My heart is open and I feel, see, hear the love everywhere. Through his words the path continues for me as well and through that I touch other people again and the world starts to change. I notice this in my immediate surroundings.

Jeanett Schnoor

“The loving guidance from the level of the person through the transpersonal field towards the SELF touched me a lot. A helping hand – yet fully open. Clearly focused and still so free.”

Michael Lindenberg

“The entirely different perspective from on our PURE BEING, free of Dogmas and rituals, free of have to, should, otherwise…. is so liberating and inspiring. To place ourselves in freedom like this, is pure love. Thank you so much!”

Elisabeth Lumina

“I am very inspired by the presence of Shai and by his way of being. The love, clarity and the resting within oneself in a relaxed way. It is felt that Shai himself lives with an open heart.
Through him I learned that also experiences of pain are essential and that through them the heart can open up even more.
Thank you for your precious work.”


 In this seminar we will learn:


  • What exactly happens in the expansion process: The expansion method is able to reliably lead us into expanded states of consciousness. But what does that mean exactly? What happens in the mind and energy system in this process?


  • What model of the subtle fields of consciousness: How we recognise the different fields of consciousness in the expansion process and why working with them is so powerful, and which field is the most important for transformative work 
  • The “white light” level of consciousness and what makes it so meaningful, both for therapeutic, transformative, and spiritual processes.

  • The combination of deep understanding and highly transformative practices
  • Self-efficacy: directly recognising and experiencing the true potential of our consciousness and how it can be used for inner transformation.


The seminar includes:

  • For talks about the principles of expansion, the fields of consciousness and the white light layers
  • Special guided meditations
  • A new, profound expansion technique for the transformation of emotional needs.
  • How to get in direct contact with our higher self and activate our inner wisdom
  • Live – online partner practice
  • Free and unlimited access to all learning materials, lectures and practices of the course for another 24 months

You can watch the lessons at your own pace and access them again at any time.

How to Participate

Start on 14 August 2021

The first lesson will be released on 14 August. Every week another lesson will be added.


Study at your own pace

The course is structure as a 4 weeks seminar. However you study the materials at your own pace.

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The journey is all about you. All lectures are focused on learning how you can work transformatively in expanded states of consciousness.


You can participate from anywhere. All you need is a laptop/PC/tablet and internet.

Exclusive Online-Campus

Get access to our exclusive online campus.

24 Months Full Access

Join now and get 24 months access to the video course and all materials for only 280 € 180 €.

I want to participate

About Shai Tubali

Spiritual Teacher, Author and Philosopher – Shai is a prolific and renowned author, with 23 books published to date. His bestselling books have been translated into five languages and have won awards in Israel and the United States. In his teaching Shai combines Yogic knowledge and Eastern practices with the latest in Western science, psychology, and philosophy to create innovative transformative processes. Indeed, almost 20 years of in-depth study of Eastern thought and Yogic tradition have brought this trained Yogi up to a master level in utilizing the tools of spirituality to offer structure, deep insights, and methods for personal growth in all areas of life. Based on his own direct and ongoing revelation of cosmic consciousness since the age of 23, he is a pioneering figure in the field of self-transformation who has helped thousands of people to transform their lives in his many years of teaching around the world.

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