The questions for the theoretical final test of the School of Inner Wisdom
Question 1
Is this statement true or false?
The best way to achieve inner wisdom is by using thoughts and emotions
a. True
b. False
Question 2
What makes us disconnect from inner wisdom?
a. Lack of self-confidence
b. Not being in touch with myself
c. Leaning on the dualistic and conflicting world of thought
d. None of the above
Question 3
What is the main purpose of expanded conversation?
a. To enable a dialog between two or more people from a higher state of consciousness.
b. To help a client breakthrough limitations and obstacles.
c. To help a client get in touch with their inner wisdom and move out of stuckness.
d. All answers are correct
Question 4
Is this statement true or false?
In order to get in touch with inner wisdom, I need to passionately want to know, with all my heart and being.
a. True – without an intense desire to know, we cannot connect with inner wisdom
b. False – too much desire to know prevents us from getting in touch with inner wisdom
Question 5
What are the ways to develop the inner guru?
a. We don’t need to develop the inner guru, only to expose it.
b. The best way to develop the inner guru is by speaking out from the expanded state as the inner guru.
c. The best way to develop the inner guru is by responding to its messages in life and grounding its presence in our daily life.
d. Answers b + c are correct
Question 6
What chakras are awakened when we develop our inner guru?
a. All the chakras are developed when we develop out inner guru.
b. Mainly the heart chakra, as we get in touch with true compassion and unified love.
c. Mainly the third eye chakra as we learn to discriminate truth from false and see through illusion.
d. Answers b + c are correct.
Question 7
Getting in touch with the inner guru in the expansion method is possible through:
a. Asking a question and waiting for an answer.
b. The process of expansion of consciousness.
c. Attracting the presence of the inner guru by visualization.
d. Prayer and contemplation.
Question 8
How many times do we expand in the expansion of the next step?
a. We expand four times.
b. We expand three times.
c. We expand only one time.
d. It depends on the state of the client.
Question 9
Is this statement true or false?
The model of the subtle fields has been proved scientifically and was researched by many other traditions and spiritual teachers.
a. True
b. False
Question 10
A patient is coming to your practice for a session, and you find out through questioning she is confused about the future of her relationship and is not sure how to move forward. What could be your best strategy in helping her seeing into the future so she can proceed?
a. Start with the next step technique and if needed offer an additional session of the switch.
b. Start with the next step technique and if needed offer an additional session of the expansion of a question.
c. Start with the next step technique and if needed offer an additional session of the question.
d. Start with the expansion of a question and if needed offer an additional session of the next step.
Question 11
How many fields can be found in the model of the subtle fields?
a. Three fields
b. Four fields
c. Five fields
d. We are endless and have countless fields
Question 12
The chakra system could be found in:
a. The mental spiritual field
b. The electromagnetic field
c. The mental emotional field
d. The cosmic soul field
Question 13
We come to this world not Tabula Rasa but we carry impressions and imprints. Which subtle filed corresponds with this statement?
a. The mental-spiritual field.
b. The mental -emotional field.
c. This statement is not true.
d. The electromagnetic field.
Question 14
Is this statement true or false?
The mental-spiritual field is the field that stands between us and our inner wisdom.
a. True
b. False
Question 15
What makes the expansion of the next step unique and special?
a. We not only get a glimpse into the possible future of the situation; we can also create the next steps by ourselves.
b. It revels the future in an accurate way, and whatever is seen in the expanded steps will come true.
c. It allows a higher state of clarity and the seeing of a potential flow of a certain issue.
d. It is not so unique – we can use the expansion of a question to reach similar results.
Question 16
Which subtle fields awaken in the process of the expansion of the cosmic mind?
a. The electromagnetic field and the mental spiritual filed.
b. The mental spiritual field and the cosmic soul field.
c. The mental emotional field and the electromagnetic field.
d. The mental emotional field and the mental spiritual field.
Question 17
What is the most important condition for a successful process of the expansion of collective dreams?
a. We need different hidden forces reflecting one’s inner world.
b. It should be a story, not one symbol.
c. The client needs to tell the story accurately without distorting it.
d. Answers a + b are correct.
Question 18
Is this statement true or false?
In the field of pure consciousness there is no wisdom in the sense of something to know or understand. So when we reach it, we couldn’t necessarily provide a meaningful or practical insight.
a. True
b. False
Question 19
“From this field, we can influence the brain and reshape its patterns and paths. In this field, there is freedom from a sense of problem and conflict. Life is not seen as a merciless series of exhausting challenges but as a spiritual journey from which miraculous learning can be derived from fearlessness. Without existential tension, there is a feeling that everything is possible, that you can move in any direction, that life can be shaped, and that the perspective is flexible.”
This statement refers to:
a. The mental-emotional field
b. The mental-spiritual field
c. The cosmic-soul filed
d. The field of pure consciousness
Question 20
“We recognize a pattern and it is trapped and limited light. Through expansion, the pattern moves in the opposite direction and slowly returns to its original state, when it was pure and unlimited light. We recognize the end of this transformation when we cannot expand any further”.
This statement describes:
a. The process of expansion
b. The process of the Switch
c. The process of the Question
d. The process of the next step
Question 21
Is this statement true or false?
Since positive feelings and emotions are nearer to the primordial nature of existence, the only difference between negative feelings and emotions and positive states and feelings is the number of expansions. But at their core, these are both spiritual.
a. True
b. False
Question 22
What are the five principles of the expansion method?
a. Consciousness over mind, the subtle fields are planes in which suffering is impossible, Self-authority is the goal, Expansion is Bliss, All we need is a new brain
b. Consciousness over mind, the subtle fields are planes in which suffering is impossible, Self-authority is the goal, Expansion is Bliss, from the dirt road to the highway
c. Mind over consciousness, the subtle fields are planes in which suffering is impossible, Self-authority is the goal, Expansion is Bliss, All we need is a new brain
d. Consciousness over mind, the subtle fields are planes in which suffering is impossible, Self-authority is the goal, Contraction is Bliss, from the dirt road to the highway
Question 23
In the expansion method, symbols include:
a. Collective dreams
b. Sacred geometry
c. Archetypes
d. Answers a+c are correct
Question 24
How many layers the model of the mind include?
a. Three
b. Four
c. five
d. two
Question 25
What are the three elements of the mind layer?
a. Creativity, attention, intelligence
b. Creativity, awareness, thinking
c. Creativity, concsiousness, intelligence
d. Creativity, awareness, intelligence
Question 26
What is the purpose of the first stage in the Question technique?
a. To ask questions
b. To negate existing answers
c. To prepare for the stage of listening
d. Answers b+c are correct
Question 27
How do we formulate the question to work with in the question technique?
a. The guide suggests the question
b. The client suggests the question
c. The question is formulated out of deep listening after negation
d. The question is chosen by the client
e. The question is chosen by the guide
Question 28
How can we create the ever-young mind?
a. By leading a healthy life style and taking care of the body
b. By doing physical exercise and meditating often
c. One cannot create the ever-young mind – you can only reveal or enable it by shedding the old mind away
d. Answers a + c are correct
Question 29
What are the characteristics of the old brain?
a. It is arrogant and convinced it knows everything
b. It stops asking questions
c. It is mechanical and reactive and lacks any listening capacity
d. It is always on the guard and is defensive
e. All the answers are correct.
Question 30
Is this statement true or false?
The mind’s capacity for awareness is attention. Through it the brain becomes aware of the objects around it and the objects within our being – thoughts, feelings, sensations, visions, dreams, etc.
a. True
b. False
Question 31
“The big questions in life don’t have an answer but it is still vital to ask them”.
This quote belongs to:
a. Socrates
b. Jiddue Krishnamurti
c. Albert Einstein
d. The Buddha
Question 32
What makes the practice of holding a question so powerful?
a. Because it pushes the mind to go beyond the known
b. Because it pushes the mind to a state of merging and the answer appears as a direct experience
c. Because it moves the mind away from trying to create answers and be in an open and surrendered state.
d. All answers are correct
Question 33
Your client is confused about a certain topic, lacks clarity and you feel there are some hindrances blocking their ability to look honestly into the heart of the matter. In this case you would most likely choose to work with:
a. The wisdom of nature
b. The expansion of a question
c. The next step
d. The switch
Question 34
How many times do you expand a question in the expansion of a question technique?
a. Three times
b. Four times
c. As many times as needed
d. Five times
Question 35
What defines the state of true listening?
a. Listening is ta state of perfect concentration
b. Listening is a still unreactive mind while being involved and passionate
c. Listening is a state of transparency and flexibility
d. Listening is a state of an empty vessel where everything can appear and disappear
e. Answers b, c and d are correct
Question 36
In which field we can get in touch with the divine intelligence and wisdom?
a. The field of pure consciousness.
b. The mental spiritual field.
c. The cosmic – soul field.
d. The divine intelligence and wisdom cannot become available to us.
Question 37
Is this statement true or false?
Listening is the perfect technique to gain insight.
a. True
b. False
Question 38
Which are the three types of insight taught in the school of wisdom?
a. A creative insight, a spiritual insight and a scientific insight
b. A creative insight, a philosophical insight and a scientific insight
c. A creative insight, a philosophical insight and an insight into a question or a challenge
d. A creative insight, a spiritual insight and an insight into a question or a challenge
Question 39
Which technique would be applied for this description? I feel a state of imbalance, not feeling grounded and stable. I feel some fear and suffer from chronic physical problems. I also lack discipline in my life style.
a. The Switch
b. The Expansion of the Wisdom of Nature
c. The Expansion of the Wisdom of the body
d. The Expansion of a Question
Question 40
In the theory of the subtle fields, we find five fields. What is the correct order?
a. The mental spiritual field – the electromagnetic field – the mental emotional field – the cosmic-soul field – the pure awareness field
b. The cosmic – soul field – the pure awareness field – the mental emotional – The mental spiritual field – the electromagnetic field
c. The pure awareness field – the cosmic-soul field – the mental spiritual field – the mental emotional field – the electromagnetic field
d. The electromagnetic field – the mental emotional field – the mental spiritual field – the cosmic-soul field – the pure awareness field
Question 41
In The Expansion of the Wisdom of Nature technique, what do we expand after expanding the gap between us and the chosen element of nature?
a. An imagined scenario where the element is in its natural environment
b. The first time we ever saw the element in reality
c. Our positive emotions regarding the element
d. All of the answers are not correct
Question 42
The mental spiritual field is:
a. The storehouse of our subconscious deepest impressions.
b. The subtle filed though which we experience the deepest states of meditation.
c. The source of uncaused emotions and freedom from the past.
d. The field that contains objective and universal knowledge.
Question 43
We know we are in a state of a receptive intelligence when:
a. Our consciousness is expanded
b. We are surprised by what we see or perceive
c. We are able to become totally empty to be filled with an external source of wisdom
d. Answers b+c are correct
e. Answers a+b+c are correct
Question 44
“I feel one with the universe, I am connected with the cosmic laws and feel universal love and all-embracing intelligence”. Which process am I going through?
a. The expansion of positive emotions
b. The expansion of the crown chakra
c. The expansion of the cosmic mind
d. The question technique, asking universal questions.
e. Answers c+d are correct.
Question 45
Is this statement true or false?
The body is a source of an external wisdom, and in order to get in touch with it, we need to treat it not as a part of our inner wisdom.
a. True
b. False
Question 46
Where can we find the subconscious in the theory of the subtle fields?
a. The electromagnetic field.
b. The mental-spiritual field.
c. The mental-emotional field.
d. The cosmic-soul field.
Question 47
The awakening of the third eye in the context of the school of wisdom includes:
a. Developing telepathic abilities
b. The power to have visions and seeing the future
c. The ability to see something in a complete and total way from a distance.
d. Answers b and c are correct.
Question 48
Is this statement true or false?
When we enter the wisdom of nature or the expansion of the cosmic mind, we merge directly with the material realm of the universe and nature.
a. True
b. False
Question 49
Where can we find the subconscious in the theory of the subtle fields?
a. The electromagnetic field.
b. The mental-spiritual field.
c. The mental-emotional field.
d. The cosmic-soul field.
Question 50
“Listening, perception, silence, flexibility, negation, connection to the wisdom of the heart and readiness to learn”.
This is the description of?
a. The third eye
b. The state of inner wisdom
c. The right side of the third eye
d. The left side of the third eye
e. All answers are correct
Question 51
Which of the following can help prevent the aging process of the mind?
a. Holding a question as a way of life, and negation that enables constant renewal
b. Listening instead of reacting
c. Insight instead of thinking
d. Answers b+c are correct
e. Answers a,b,c are correct
Question 52
In what ways do perspectives and identities prevent us from revealing the full scope of inner wisdom?
a. They create a border and limitation, create a border of the known and make us stay within its scope
b. They do not cause a consolidation of concepts in the brain
c. When we have a perspective and identity, we feel safe and don’t need to defend ourselves. This allows freedom of thinking
d. They expand our perception and help us see many angles of the same issue
Question 53
Which of the following is a part of ‘The Switch’ technique?
a. A deep experience of a completing, alternate identity
b. Transcending both identities- the original and the complementary
c. Returning, from the state of freedom that was revealed to the level of perspectives and changing the thought pattern
d. All of the above is a part of the technique
Question 54
What insights could be gained from The Switch?
a. Validation of the realization that the ‘I Am’ is the core of our being
b. Realizing that we cannot contain opposites within our being. We will always be what we are
c. Our perspective is arbitrary- we could have been born to other life circumstances and hold different perspectives
d. Both a and c are correct
Question 55
The flexible mind:
a. Never uses perspectives
b. Is in itself a perspective
c. Can use perspectives freely, but is not defined by them
d. Is bound to perspectives and defined by them
Question 56
The awakened mind:
a. Has all the answers, all the time
b. Is truly creative
c. Is based on thoughts
d. Has a perspective that is fixed and convincing
Question 57
The four functions or aspects of the mind are:
a. Choice, intelligence, awareness, creativity
b. Openness, awareness, creativity, focus
c. Awareness, creativity, listening, focus
d. Wisdom, love, creativity, listening
Question 58
Which of the following indicates spirituality:
a. Awareness
b. Intelligence
c. Love
d. Creativity
e. a, b, c
f. All of the above
Question 59
Why is it said that the mind in its current state is not based on creative qualities?
a. Since it is not engaged in the arts and creative thinking processes
b. Since it is too occupied with technology
c. Since it is based on the past and memory, linear thinking and inflexibility
d. Since it is too distracted and lost its ability to focus
Question 60
What is the possible path of evolution of the mind?
a. From thinking to listening to creating
b. From listening to creating to thinking
c. From thinking to creating to listening
d. None of the above is true
Question 61
What develops the listening mind?
a. Expansion
b. Question and negation
c. Creating art and engaging in scientific research
d. a+b
e. All of the above
Question 62
A listening mind is:
a. Linear
b. Strives to reach definite conclusions
c. Capable of conceiving insights
d. Enjoys listening to music
Question 63
Why did Georg Ivanov Gurdjieff claim that we do not have a real choice?
a. Because the individual and pluralistic evolution didn’t happen yet back then
b. Since in the automatic state of man there cannot be a free will
c. Since one only has an illusion of choice, so long as we are conditioned
d. b+c are correct
e. a,b,c are true
Question 64
What is not true about thought?
a. Thought creates reality
b. Thought creates only the past
c. Thought is composed of memory patterns
d. Thought is self-preserving
Question 65
The creative self is revelaed in which energetic field of consciousness?
a. Mental-emotional field
b. The white light
c. Mental-spiritual and cosmic fields
d. The Source
Question 66
The creative-self is:
a. Independent
b. Aligned with Dharma and Tao
c. Acts according to the highest will
d. Both b and c are true
Question 67
The creative self is propelled by:
a. Love
b. Intelligence
c. A and b
d. None of the above
Question 68
What does co-creation mean?
a. That creation is already pre-determined
b. That we have total power to direct our lives as individuals
c. That we can join the universe in creation and fulfill an expanding range of possibilities that are available to us
d. That is only a theoretical concept that is debated in philosophy circles
Question 69
A creative mind is:
a. Is united with the space that is prior to thoughts
b. Can plant seeds in subtle plains of reality, that then turn into a reality
c. Dwells where ideas are being born
d. All are true
Question 70
In making a decision:
a. Fear is not limiting our choices, it is an instinctual reaction that is meant to keep us safe all the time
b. Fear is limiting since it causes us to choose mostly the things that will preserve what is
c. Desire is not limiting, since we aspire to choose what we want
d. Desire is limiting we know in advance what we are supposedly need to have
e. Both b and d are correct