Written by Shai Tubali

As soon as you grasp the link between chakras and physical health, you begin to be your very own internal detective. Tracing the sources of your physical problems to their origin in the chakras is not just a burdensome task. It is, in fact, quite adventurous: you’re starting to enjoy the fact that you can be conscious enough to stop subtle negative processes before they become complicated.

This is the law: physical disorders almost never start when you begin to experience physical pain. They also most certainly don’t start when you already experience the consolidated stagnation which is recognized as a certain “disease.” That’s why you should work to heal yourself much before that and be highly aware of the energetic dynamic, where you can easily influence things and prevent them from turning into physical realities. It is much wiser to focus on illness prevention than to struggle to end an already consolidated condition. And illness prevention works best at the level of chakras.

Of course, we must not blame ourselves for having existing illnesses! You are not responsible for what you couldn’t possibly know in the past. When your consciousness was absent in certain moments, this has resulted in symptoms that you already have. Back then, you were unable to tap into your hidden power that could trace any early sign of illness and physical distress and eliminate it altogether. The good news is that now, you can confidently master this power.

The six basic questions you should ask yourself

The easiest way to connect to chakras is through physical sensations. For example, think of one event in your life, past, present, or future, which triggers certain emotions, and gradually reach a point in which you’re experiencing a sufficient degree of this emotion. Then ask yourself: “Where am I feeling this in the body?” You will quickly notice that you can trace back this emotion to one of these seven centers (usually, one of the first six, since the seventh is less commonly known to affect physical health).

Now take it to another level of consciousness. For a moment, and without focusing on anything in particular, sit with closed eyes and ask yourself: “Right now, where is the area in the body that is active the most?” Even this simple investigation can show you that very often you have some kind of tension or contraction in one of your seven chakras; your energy flow is hindered because of a certain belief, thought, emotion, or feeling. This causes one or more of your chakras to be relatively “closed.” Even one tiny thought which you are completely unconscious of can influence and shape your whole physicality right now. That is why consciousness is vital for physical health.

As you’re contacting this hindrance, ask yourself the six following questions. These six questions correspond with the order of the chakras and are a great aid in your investigation.   If you have directly and clearly landed in one chakra, ask only the question that is related to it. I have formulated the questions in a way that will already start triggering you to feel certain things. Even if this becomes pretty intense, always remember that when this intense state is lingering unconsciously within your body, it begins to take root and eventually becomes dangerously crystallized, so better now than never!

1. What am I afraid of?

This is the question of the root chakra, which is all about existential worry and anxiety. Ask this if you feel the tension in your legs, perineum, lowest point of the back, or a general muscle and structural tension.

2. What is it that I don’t allow myself to feel?

This is the question of the sacral chakra, which is all about suppression and the fear of being our natural self. Ask this if you feel contraction in the pelvis, genitals, lower abdomen and lower back.

3. What is the pressure I can’t contain?

This is the question of the solar plexus chakra, which is all about inability to cope with pressures and demands, also self-induced ones like “I must be,” “I should be,” “I should have become,” and “I need to push myself more.” Ask this if you feel the pressure in your upper abdomen, digestive system, or middle back.

4. What expectation do I hold onto?

This is the heart chakra question, which is all about our emotional dependency on others’ recognition and love and the expectations that follow. Ask this if you feel the tightness in the area of the chest, shoulders, upper back, or hands.

5. What don’t I express?

This is the question of your throat chakra, which is all about everything we feel we should give voice to and yet do not release from within ourselves, sometimes because we don’t allow ourselves to admit it even to ourselves. In the fifth chakra’s case, even acknowledging what we hide away can be a sort of a release. Ask this if you feel the stuckness in the throat, neck, mouth, or jaws.

6. What do I refuse to see?

This is the question of the third eye chakra, which is all about overlooking when we don’t want to see reality as it is and to face and accept it. Ask this question if you feel the tension in your forehead, eyes, head, or ears.

How to quickly balance your blocked chakra

Now, how can we work with what we find in the chakras? As someone who has been teaching this subtle system for many years, I had constantly looked for the best way to balance chakras, until I came to realize that the most accurate way needs to go along with the way chakras are structured.

Chakras are funnel-like. They have two funnel-like openings both from the back and from the front (except for the first and seventh, which only have one). Though the back opening has a great significance of its own, it is less relevant for physical health. The five frontal openings, however, are what we should consider when it comes to balancing chakras for physical health. In general, whenever you are going to work on chakras, what you really focus on is their frontal part. If this part is properly activated, all is well with your chakras. The reason is that the frontal part of each chakra is the way you relate to the world, including to way you react to any external stimuli, sensory perception, and experience. All of these are received by the frontal part of your chakras, and that is why a great deal depends on their capacity to respond to stimuli.

Of course, the frontal part is also where things get complicated and damaged. Chakras become easily unbalanced with every unbalanced reaction to external triggers. Your  expectations and fears, resistances and avoidances, tensions and intense emotions, all close down the chakras.

When you agree, on the other hand, to make this frontal funnel open up and broaden in instead of contracting it, you immediately balance the chakra. Understand that chakras never really “close”; they only become contracted and narrowed. As soon as a chakra shrinks, all of its energy withdraws inside. But when you determine to open your chakra up, it blooms like a flower and the radiation it emits grows. Though its structure itself doesn’t essentially change, it is capable of expanding. Thus, an open chakra is very different from  the basic narrow funnel that only takes in a tiny bit of life-force and somehow manages to   sufficiently respond to events and situations.

Chakras are healthy when we choose to broaden them in an outward direction. For this, even the simple trick of visualizing a flower opening completely to receive, could help. This is because a broadened and outward-facing chakra is an energetic expression of your willingness to come out to the world and to fully respond to circumstances. Instead of contracting and retreating, you agree to function fully and optimally in the world.